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GlobeCast Uses Intelsat Capacity to Transmit Cricket World Cup 2007 to Global Viewers

18 апреля 2007
GlobeCast selected Intelsat’s IS-9 and IS-904 satellites for contribution and distribution of the Cricket World Cup 2007, including all 51 matches. GlobeCast selected Intelsat’s satellites for their superior coverage of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean regions. In all, more than 600 hours of Cricket matches will be delivered.

GlobeCast’s ad-hoc special events group was contracted by the Global Cricket Corporation, on behalf of the International Cricket Council (ICC), to provide SNG services and distribution of the event worldwide. Matches are carried from the venues via the IS-9 satellite to GlobeCast’s teleport in London for turnaround onto Intelsat’s IS-904 for global distribution to broadcast rightsholders.

“Reliability is the most important aspect of providing coverage for any live sporting event to our clients’ viewing audiences,” said Alan Hird, Head of Global Contribution Services, GlobeCast. “We are utilizing Intelsat satellites to deliver this content and we’re confident that, during this exciting event, our clients’ programming is benefiting from Intelsat’s experience and reputation for unmatched satellite service.”

“The Cricket World Cup is an important event and extraordinarily popular among populations from South Asia, West Indies, Africa and many other parts of the world. Intelsat is proud to play a key role in making that happen by enabling quality video distribution around the globe,” said Jean Philippe Gillet, Intelsat’s Regional Vice President, Europe & Middle East Sales. “Providing transmission services for this event speaks directly to Intelsat’s commitment to special event services. This also is a testament to Intelsat’s post-merger strength, for both legacy PanAmSat and Intelsat satellites are used providing more robust transmission services for our customer.”

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