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News Briefs: HD in 151M Homes By 2011

16 марта 2007
RESEARCH - The number of homes worldwide with HDTVs is expected to triple from 48 million last year to 151 million by 2011, according to Informa Telecoms & Media. The study also showed more than half of the high-def homes will be right here in the States, 20 percent in Japan and Canada, China, Germany and the U.K. all chipping in.

RESEARCH - According to market research firm DisplayBank, the worldwide TV market for 2007 is likely to grow 2 percent from a year ago to 195.7 million units with demand for LCD TVs to account for 33 percent. DisplayBank's recent Worldwide Color TV Market Forecasts report also found that demand for LCD TVs is forecast to pick up from 64.5 million units this year to 100 million units by 2009, representing nearly 50 percent of the total, and will double by 2011 for a more than 60 percent share.

TECHNOLOGY - Apparently, Sony's Blu-ray format for high definition DVDs is the victor in the HD video disc war. That is, if you believe Sony. According to reports, Sony is going to start marketing its format as the winner over Microsoft-backed HD DVDs based on recent sales reports. A company exec was quoted as saying Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD movies and TV shows in January by a two to one margin. SkyREPORT

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