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Superphones to Reach 100 Million Units by 2015

10 сентября 2010

According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global superphone shipments will grow 550 percent to reach 100 million units by 2015. ­The high-growth superphone category is being driven by major brands in developed markets, such as Samsung, HTC, Android and Texas Instruments.

Alex Spektor, Analyst at Strategy Analytics, said, "We define a superphone as a high-end smartphone with a supersized display above 4 inches and a superfast processor greater than 1GHz. We forecast global superphone shipments to grow 550 percent from 15 million units in 2010 to 100 million by 2015. Major brands, such as Samsung, HTC, Android, Nvidia and Texas Instruments, are driving the high-growth superphone category in developed markets."

Neil Mawston, Director at Strategy Analytics, added, "Superphones are at the forefront of computerizing the handset market. Superphone models, such as the Samsung Galaxy S and HTC Evo 4G, are driving more PC-like features into the hands of mobile consumers. Operators can launch advanced Internet services with superphones to lift their data revenues, while component makers can design cutting-edge products with higher profit margins such as dual-core application processors or 512MB RAM memory."


Источник: Cellular news

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