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Microwave Equipment Market Dips 4% in Q2

15 октября 2010

The worldwide microwave equipment market hit $1.3 billion in 2Q10, down 4% from 1Q10, with the most marked slowdown in Asia Pacific, according to a report from Infonetics Research.

"The microwave equipment market continues to be affected by the echoes of the recession, and it was a soft quarter, indicative of the lingering slowdown in operator capex in some segments. This is pushing operators to be selective about where and how they upgrade their networks; for instance, Infonetics reports that both routers and optical gear were up in the second quarter. The current 'pause for breath' in the microwave equipment market will end as more operators upgrade their networks to HSPA+ and LTE, creating a need for enhanced mobile backhaul bandwidth, and in turn, for microwave equipment. We expect renewed year-on-year growth in the microwave market in 2011 through at least 2014," predicts Richard Webb, directing analyst for WiMAX, microwave, and mobile devices at Infonetics Research.

In the market share charts, Ericsson moved back into the top position for worldwide microwave equipment revenue in 2Q10, leapfrogging NEC; both vendors remain significantly ahead of the chasing pack.

In addition, during 2Q10, 80% of microwave equipment purchased was for mobile backhaul network deployments, with the balance purchased for transport applications (such as trunking and metro access) and first-mile access.

Источник: Cellular news

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