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CHANGE project explores flow-based network architecture

16 ноября 2010

The European research project CHANGE set out to re-invigorate innovation on the Internet. By creating a novel, flow-based network architecture, the project aims to overcome major barriers to the Internet's evolution.

The three-year project will address the central problem of the Internet’s huge size and complexity, which makes the introduction of new core network technologies very difficult. The solution of CHANGE will be based on flow-processing platforms instantiated at critical points in the network. These platforms leverage OpenFlow, an open-standard technology that allows processing of flows by separating the control and data planes. Directing flows that need special processing through a set of these platforms will provide an essential mechanism for allowing faster innovation and deployment of new network technologies, thus realizing the concept of cloud networking.

In effect, the project’s solution will boost the development of innovative products and services on the Internet and help reduce network costs. Application scenarios for the flow-processing platform of CHANGE include, among others, the virtualisation of Internet service provisioning, dynamic network troubleshooting, on-demand network monitoring, and shippable attack mitigation.

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