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50% of medium-sized businesses see VoIP as mission critical

15 декабря 2010

Small and medium sized business (SMBs) are often seen as an exciting growth area for the VoIP market.

While enterprises are at ease adopting innovative unified communication platforms, the smaller businesses often need a little more incentive to explore how the IP comm world can make their business better. According to AMI-Partners, the SMB world seems to planning for VoIP growth.

According to the report, over 30 percent of small businesses (1 - 99 employees) and 50 percent of medium businesses (100-999 employees) claim VoIP will become critical to their business. The AMI 2010 VoIP Update also found that with the recent recession, SMBs put IT decisions on the back burner, but the migration of voice and data is continuing and there is still large potentional for the IP comm market to penetrate the SMB community.

"The last several years of recession caused many SMBs to put new technology purchases on hold," said Karen Nielsen, Senior Consultant with AMI in a release. "Moving into 2011, cost savings, as well as the advanced features available with IP, will impel more and more SMBs to IP architecture implementation."


Источник: FierceVoIP

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