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Infosys Appoints New CEO

03 мая 2011

Technology outsourcing company Infosys Technologies has appointed one of its founders as its new CEO and has tapped a top banking executive to lead its board of directors.

S. D. Shibulal, one of Infosys’ co-founders, has been promoted to lead the company from his current position as the company’s COO. The company has yet to announce a replacement for Shibulal’s position.

“As we look ahead, we will ensure that this leadership transition is smooth as all other transitions have been in the past,” Shibulal said in a statement. “We are also making other organizational changes to strengthen our market position and ability to serve our clients better.”

KundapurVamanKamath, who heads the board of directors at India’s second largest bank, will now lead Infosys’ board of directors. Kamath will be the first person to chair the board who wasn’t one of Infosys’ founding members.

The company’s current CEO, S. Gopalakrishnan, has been named as co-chairman of the board. Gopalakrishnan was one of the six engineers who founded Infosys in 1981 together with N. R. Narayana Murthy.

Infosys was established with just $250 in startup capital. The company now has more than 130,000 employees and posted sales of $6 billion in the first quarter of this year.

Infosys provides technology outsourcing for many industries, including wireless communications. The company offers wireless providers services for apps, mobile platforms and network management and planning.


Источник: Wireless Week

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