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Samsung and Visa to Test Mobile Payments at the London Olympic Games

14 мая 2012

Samsung Electronics and Visa have announced that the Samsung Galaxy S III will be Samsung's Olympic Games Phone during the London 2012 Games.

A limited edition device enabled with Visa's mobile payment application, Visa payWave, will be available for Samsung and Visa sponsored athletes and trialists, making it possible to buy merchandise with a wave of the device at thousands of retail locations throughout London.

"Mobile payment services enabled by NFC technology are gaining momentum around the world. The Samsung Galaxy S III has been created with our human needs and capabilities in mind and is the ideal device to showcase the ease and convenience of Visa's mobile payment application at the London 2012 Olympic Games," said DJ Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of Sales and Marketing team of Samsung's Mobile Communications Business.

By the time of the Olympic Games there will be more than 140,000 contactless terminals around the UK. The device is supported and enabled by London 2012 Games partner Lloyds TSB in the UK.

Visa payWave for mobile allows users to simply select the Visa icon on their mobile device and hold the phone to a contactless payment terminal to pay. Purchases above £20 require a passcode. The application also allows customers to check their transaction history and view their account balance.

Источник: Cellular news

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