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Week at the Mobile World Congress

14 февраля 2008

This week is Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and as usual the companies participating have unleashed a torrent of announcements. Although typically a GSM stronghold, the news out of this year’s MWC has had a big focus on WiMAX.

For the second year running, WiMAX has made its way into the event’s keynote speech, with both GSMA CEO Rob Conway and Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin calling for WiMAX to be rolled into the LTE standard. The two called the divide between LTE and WiMAX inefficient, stating that a major schism between the two technologies would only hold back the industry as a whole on its path to 4G.

Still, the WiMAX announcements rolled in. Intel performed some flashy demonstrations that included a device switching seamlessly between Wi-Fi and WiMAX, and a WiMAX-enabled motorcycle built custom built by American Chopper. Motorola announced new WiMAX investments in both Israeli chip-designer DesignArt Networks, and French chip maker Sequans. Sequans itself, in addition to funding from Motorola, announced a deal with Mitsumi to provide chips for the Japanese company’s Mobile WiMAX modules; and another deal with Tecom to collaborate on Mobile WiMAX Pico, Femto base stations and CPE devices. Alcatel-Lucent also made some noise with an announcement regarding new contracts and expanded partnerships.

The WiMAX Forum also made its own major announcement in Barcelona. In addition to announcing that 28 Mobile WiMAX products have been submitted for certification since late 2007, the WiMAX Forum updated its roadmap to include the 700 Mhz band of spectrum. The Forum also confirmed that these specifications will support both TDD and FDD certification profiles, validating recent speculation of an upcoming FDD Mobile WiMAX Profile.

This quick summary only scratches the surface of the announcements made so far this week, and there are likely more to come. Check back next week for a WiMAX Trends MWC roundup.

This week’s feature is an excerpt of a recent report written by Yankee Group’s SVP of Emerging Markets Wally Swain. This report, WiMAX is in Latin America to Stay, focuses on cutting through the hype and illuminating the actual gains made by WiMAX in Latin America. Although until now much of the attention on WiMAX in Latin America might be considered premature, WiMAX has made important inroads to the Latin American enterprise and consumer markets. In the enterprise market in particular there are several operators that have successfully built their business model during the last few years. However significant barriers remain, especially on the regulatory front to see more mass usage of WiMAX in Latin America. This excerpt showcases analysis on the demand for broadband in Latin America, and the drivers and inhibitors to change in these markets.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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