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Space Symposium Features Top Government Officials

27 февраля 2006
The National Space Symposium, being held in April by the National Space Foundation, will feature speakers from top entities within the U.S. government.

Confirmed featured speakers include Maria Cino, deputy secretary at the Department of Transportation; NASA Administrator Michael Griffin; Ronald Sega, under secretary of the Air Force; Marion Blakey, administrator at the Federal Aviation Administration; NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale; and Air Force Lt. Gen. C. Robert Kehler, deputy commander of the U.S. Strategic Command.

Other speakers include Reps. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.), and Thomas Feeney (R-Fla.).

The 22nd National Space Symposium will be held April 3-6 at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. More information can be found online at: http://www.NationalSpaceSymposium.org.

The National Space Symposium is the premier U.S. policy and program forum, a "must do" opportunity for information and interaction on all sectors of space - commercial, civil and national security. The conference is attended by industry leaders, military and government officials and general space enthusiasts, and covered locally and nationally by broadcast, print and industry trade media.

Source: SkyREPORT E-News


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