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Globalstar Expands Data Coverage

10 июля 2006
Globalstar said its independent gateway operator in Mexico expanded its simplex or one-way data coverage throughout all of Mexico and to areas of northern Central America. With the coverage enhancements, Globalstar simplex data customers can access the company's satellite network from Alaska and northern Canada southward to parts of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and the Pacific coast maritime region of South America, the company said.

TECHNOLOGY: Abilis Keeps Pushing Mobile TV - Abilis Systems, a Kudelski Group unit, said IBM Microelectronics will manufacture its mobile digital TV chips for the cellular phone, portable media player and PC laptop markets. Abilis has proposed a single-chip mobile TV solution, integrating both the RF tuner and demodulator. As part of the agreement, Abilis also will add its RF clock synthesizer into the IBM IP portfolio.

Source: SkyREPORT E-News


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