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IPTV Subs Hit 50M in 2010

15 октября 2006
The steady growth of IPTV subscribers and services revenue continues to show strong upside potential in Europe and Asia with some exceptions in North America. A new study suggests the reason is that international growth is being driven by the large incumbent telcos, whereas in North America its the smaller, independent IPTV providers that are pushing the technology into homes.

MRG's IPTV Global Forecast Report projects that there will be 50.5 million IPTV subscribers by the end of 2010 with global IPTV revenue of $16.7 billion that year ($12.8 billion in service, $3.9 billion in system and software).

Deployments at incumbent carriers like France Telecom, Telefonica and PCCW in Hong Kong are now serving nearly 1.5 million IPTV subscribers and are forecast to experience significant growth in both the short and long term, MRG said. Likewise, competitive (non-incumbent) IPTV providers also are leading in innovation and subscriber growth in their markets.

"The one group of IPTV providers not sharing in the current success of IPTV is comprised of those that have selected Microsoft's software," said Bob Larribeau, IPTV director for MRG. "Deployments at AT&T, Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom, and Swisscom are on hold waiting for Microsoft's software."

Microsoft's slowness to market has had a strong negative effect on the forecast for North America in particular, the report said, which has not been offset by the stronger growth of small independent operators and of Verizon's (IPTV-based) VOD services.


Source: FierceWireless

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