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NEC Computers introduces the new version of ExpressCluster

06 декабря 2006
NEC Computers enhances the key features of its solution NEC ExpressCluster and launches its new versions Windows & Linux X 1.0. NEC ExpressCluster significantly increases performance and security for clusters in Windows and Linux environments.

ExpressCluster has been designed and developed by NEC. This is a high availability clustering solution to guarantee operational reliability and application availability of the business critical systems. Deployed in more than 8000 servers worldwide, this solution has gained about a hundred customers in Europe since its introduction 3 years ago by NEC Computers.

NEC ExpressCluster secures up and running application and ensures a service continuity as well as an automatic system recovery in the event of a failure or a disaster. Once NEC ExpressCluster detects a server downtime or an application failure, it automatically switches all resources such as application processes, services, printing jobs, virtual IP addresses etc. to a standby server, without any service interruptions. Three modes can be deployed to respond to enterprise needs: shared disk mode (up to 16 nodes in shared array disk mode or SAN environment), Synchronous mirroring mode, Asynchronous mirroring mode.

Supporting Linux and Windows environments, NEC ExpressCluster is compatible with all X86 servers provided on the market.

The new ExpressCluster versions simplify clustering management in Windows and Linux environments and allow Disaster Recovery.

Thanks to the new versions launched by NEC Computers (in Linux and Windows environments), the companies use a web-based administration interface. Thus the forming and management of the heterogeneous clusters are getting easier and simplified.

ExpressCluster solution integrates into its new versions the asynchronous data mirroring mode: the data is backed up on a regular schedule, with no distance limit either via Fibre Channel, or via Ethernet in existing LAN or WAN. ExpressCluster is a reference solution for a Disaster Recovery Plan and the implementation of a remote security site.

NEC ExpressCluster, in addition to the application protection such as IIS, Exchange, databases Oracle, SQL, MySQL, DB2, SendMail, and Samba, henceforth ensures the high availability of the solutions Tuxedo, WebLogic, and WebSphere.

Available in the new ExpressCluster versions, these 3 key features simplify the solution administration and provide more performance and security for business critical applications.

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