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NAB Calls for Satellite Radio Probe

25 декабря 2006
National Association of Broadcasters President and CEO David Rehr urged the Federal Communications Commission to open a full-scale investigation into the country's top satellite radio companies - Sirius and XM. In two letters addressed to commissioners, Rehr accused the satellite companies of openly defying the FCC's regulations and said that not censoring satellite radio's content just because it is a subscription-based service may not be justified anymore.

According to NAB, XM and Sirius recently requested authorization to operate terrestrial repeaters that were constructed and deployed inconsistent with the agency's rules. In a letter written to the FCC, Rehr called on commission members to "immediately commence a full investigation into both the actual and reported operations of Sirius and XM's terrestrial repeater networks."

The NAB president said the companies' latest disclosures "reveal a persistent corporate (if not industry) circumvention of the FCC's regulations."

In a second letter to the agency, Rehr questioned the "privileged regulatory position" enjoyed by satellite radio given "the expanding delivery of complimentary satellite radio services to nonsubscribers."

Noting a recent XM deal with Acura and Howard Stern's show being available for free on the internet, Rehr said "drawing a regulatory distinction between satellite and traditional broadcast radio simply because satellite radio content is available on a subscription basis may no longer be justified."

SKY Report

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