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Cisco buys IronPort to feed NAC

07 февраля 2007
Cisco has agreed to buy email filtering vendor IronPort for $830m. The deal is said to add some flesh and blood to the networking giant’s ‘self-defending network’ framework, of which its Network Access Control initiative is part.

IronPort sells email security appliances that filter email by sender reputation. Its technology marks Cisco’s first foray into the anti-spam market. Richard Palmer, senior vice president of Cisco's Security Technology Group, said in a statement. "We feel there is enormous potential for enhanced email and message protection solutions to be integrated into the existing Cisco self-defending network framework [NAC]”.

IronPort will become a Cisco unit. Upon close of the transaction, the 408 strong IronPort team and product portfolio will operate as a business unit in Cisco's Security Technology Group, reporting to Richard Palmer.

The deal is yet another instance of mainstream IT vendors acquiring security pure plays, following such acquisitions as EMC’s of RSA and IBM of ISS. Last year, in another lateral security move, Cisco acquired video surveillance company SyPixx.

With reports common that spam now accounts for 90% plus of enterprise email, it seems a timely acquisition.

Infosecurity Today

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