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Satellite Rules Global HDTV

25 июня 2007
While satellite companies here in the States continue their battle to convince viewers that their high-def product is superior to cable, worldwide trends seem to confirm just that. With the global market for HDTV projected to explode during the next few years, a new study suggests satellite will be leading the way.

According to IMS Research, the high-def market is forecast to grow to nearly 148 million HDTV households by 2011, with nearly 41 percent of those receiving HD programming via satellite.

The firm's latest study, "The Future of High-Definition TV - 2007 Edition," said the growth in satellite HDTV households during the next four years will be largely driven by the US and Western Europe. IMS said in Europe specifically, the slow advancement of digital cable has helped position satellite as the most common method of receiving pay-HDTV.

The study said the findings are in direct contrast to the cable-centric U.S. market where digital cable and heavily-promoted triple-play bundles are expected to keep cable the dominant HD delivery system through 2011. While the U.S. is expected to drive the majority of worldwide cable HDTV growth, satellite is still seen as making substantial gains thanks to focused marketing efforts by DIRECTV and DISH, the firm said.

"Europe is expected to surpass the Asia Pacific region by the end of 2011 to become the second-largest HDTV market in the world behind the Americas," said Paul Erickson, market analyst at IMS Research. "Much of this growth will be fueled by reduced MPEG-4 AVC set-top box costs for both operators and consumers, higher availability of local HD content, more competitive pricing for HD services, the growing popularity of flat-screen TVs, and sports-driven demand for HDTV."


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