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Satellite Broadband Closing Digital Divide

25 июня 2007
Technology is doing its best in trying to bring people from far corners of the planet into one global community. And a new report says satellite broadband, more than any other technology, is addressing the needs of those unable to receive traditional digital services - especially across rural America.

The national non-profit organization Public Technology says satellite broadband products and services are best suited to address the needs of rural customers, small businesses and local governments across the country. The group says that no other technology currently available closes the geographical digital divide as effectively as satellite broadband.

According to the institute's latest report, "Economics of Broadband Access for Underserved Consumers and Businesses," although there is a variety of broadband options available to consumers, many Americans cannot now, nor will be able to in the future, access many popular technologies due to their geography. The group's research says there has been dramatic growth of two-way interactive satellite broadband offerings and small businesses are increasingly recognizing the benefits of the technology.

Said Public Technology's Executive Director, Alan Shark: "No rural broadband development program should be considered complete without including the cost/benefits of two-way satellite broadband services that are available everywhere." The exec said satellite broadband services - like HughesNet and WildBlue - are critical to local government efforts and small businesses' ability to stay competitive.


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