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WildBlue Gets New ISP Gig

18 июля 2007
The Progressive Farmer magazine knows rural America. And WildBlue knows how to hook those rural Americans up with broadband Internet. So it seemed a natural fit that when the magazine created the Idea House and Farmstead it would choose WildBlue to supply the project with Internet service.

Designed to celebrate country livin', Idea House and Farmstead's Country Place is a new country home being built with conservation in mind to give visitors an idea about preserving natural elements and conserving local resources. The farm is being built in Fredericksburg, Texas, about an hour from San Antonio and Austin. Country Place was on public display starting June 28 through Oct. 28 with WildBlue providing all high-speed Internet access throughout the project. The 3,000 square-foot home are on 10 acres with special features like its own storm water retention, wildlife habitat improvements, water and energy conservation and natural, native landscaping.


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