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$5.6 Million Expected For Taiwanese Digital Satellite STB Shipments This Yea

13 августа 2007
The digital satellite set–top box (STB) shipment volume is predicted to reach 3.2 million units during the second half of this year. At least, that’s the analysis of Market Intelligence Center (MIC), a leading IT industry research and consulting firm based in Taiwan with a focus on markets and industries in Asia–Pacific. The value of these shipments is expected to reach US$170 million during 2007, with shipment volume up 20 percent over 2006 to 5.6 million units.

Continued growth in 2008 is also predicted. Existing, brand–name vendors will continue to increase orders that have been outsourced to Taiwanese makers. New, brand vendors are also expected to outsource their production to Taiwan. Mix in emerging market development in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, and all are seen as extremely beneficial to Taiwan's industry.

According to Leon Kao, MIC analyst, the share of Free–To–Air satellite STB models is relatively high. Technology barriers for this product type are low, with reference boards for these products being rolled out by Taiwanese and Chinese chip manufacturers. Many Taiwanese have now exited this market segment, as the Chinese make use of the reference boards and employ low–pricing strategies. The Taiwanese makers have switched to pay satellite STB with CA (Conditional Access) and advanced product types. This strategic switch is now starting to show results. STBs with CA accounted for 80 percent of Taiwanese shipment volume during the fast half of 2007. Advanced models with DVR (Digital Video Recording) and dual tuner functions accounted for 9.5 percent of Taiwanese CA STB shipment volume.


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