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BT opens R&D, technology centres in China

07 сентября 2007

U.K. incumbent plans to tap 'rich pool' of Chinese talent. BT on Thursday announced it has launched a research and development centre in Shanghai. A statement from the U.K. incumbent said that the new facility will work to develop new products and services, as well as product prototypes.

"China is now a heavyweight in the global economy and many new and dynamic Chinese enterprises are looking for a partner that can consistently provide world class ICT services to assist their growth into international markets," said Ben Verwaayen, CEO of BT, in a statement.

"With 400 million rising consumers and the Olympics 2008 round the corner, any global customers are keen to take advantage of China as a key growth market," he said.

In addition to the Shanghai centre, BT has also launched a technology and service centre based in Dalian.

BT said its aim with the technology facility is to tap China's "rich pool of software professionals, particularly in areas including software development, integration of software and hardware functionalities and the development of OSS/BSS."

In total, BT plans to spend $70 million on the new facilities, and hire additional staff on top of the 60 already working in China, a BT spokeswoman told Total Telcom.

This latest announcement from BT serves to further illustrate the company's move to ramp up its managed network and outsourced business and IT services divisions, as well as look outside its domestic market.

Total Telecom reported this month that 38% of BT Global Services' £7.9 billion revenues originated outside the U.K., with 0.5% of BT Group's total revenue generated by its Asian operations.

Added to that is BT's recent slew of IT buys, which includes U.K. IT solutions business Basilica, and the €60 million acquisition of CS Communication & Systèmes' IT arm.

Sourse: http://www.totaltele.com

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