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Kira Kiryukhina has been appointed as Corporate Communications Director of Golden Telecom

24 сентября 2007

Her area of responsibility includes participation in the development of the Golden Telecom’s marketing strategy and brand-management as well as promotion of new products and services.

Ms. Kiryukhina will be responsible for integrated corporate communications supervising both public relations and marketing communication. Prior to joining Golden Telecom Ms. Kiryukhina spent more than three years working as Public Relations Director at Microsoft Russia, a period highlighted by number of significant breakthroughs for Microsoft in Russia. Before that Kira managed the public relations at Wimm-Bill-Dann, the first Russian consumer goods company that successfully went public on NYSE in 2002. She was responsible for the company’s image build up both in Russia and in the western markets. Such excellent working experience allowed Kira to obtain strong management skills and comprehensive knowledge in building the relationships with the clients and partners in the area of public relations.  Ms. Kiryukhina graduated from the Moscow State University in 1995. In 1997 she received a second degree in economics and finance at the Institute of Business and Management of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.“I am very glad with my new appointment”, stated Ms Kiryukhina, “Undoubtedly, Golden Telecom is the leader on the communication technologies market. And as a leader, it attracts a lot of attention which results in a greater responsibility and imposes additional commitments to mass-media, shareholders, partners and the clients of the Company. I believe that my knowledge and previous experience will help to elevate the Golden Telecom’s recognition and provide the future support for the Company’s image as the most open and transparent communications company in the region.”

Источник: «Голден Телеком»

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