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Indian 3G and WiMAX auctions get green light for new year

08 декабря 2008

At last, the Indian government has given the green light to the much delayed auction of 3G and WiMAX licenses, and the process should start this week and be completed by late February. The process will be overseen by NM Rothschild and Sons and is likely to spark a wave of capex investment across the subcontinent, and almost certainly create the largest WiMAX market in the world within two years.

The deadline for applications is December 31, and the WiMAX auction will begin on January 16 2009, and the 3G sale on February 9, a slight change from the previous plan to conduct both sales simultaneously. The Department of Telecom (DoT) is planning to auction five blocks of spectrum for 3G and four for WiMAX in each telecoms region or 'circle'. At least two CDMA operators will be able to offer 3G services in each license area, a relief to this community, which was concerned it would be excluded or that its licenses would be awarded later than those to GSM operators. Spectrum for EV-DO data services will be auctioned in the 450MHz and 800MHz bands, and eventually in the 1.9GHz band.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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