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Sterlite has won the 'Thomson Reuters Innovation Award 2009'

11 марта 2009

The award was presented to Sterlite Technologies in the Corporate Services category for its achievements through patented technology, as recorded in data from Thomson Innovation - the premier IP research and analysis solution from Thomson Reuters.

The award recognizes the most innovative Indian enterprises for their spirit of innovation in research and development. The criteria for the award included the number and impact of patents, the efficiency and effectiveness of research, and the impact of innovation as measured by patent citations.

Dr. Ian White - Chief Technology Officer, Sterlite Technologies says, "As an extension of our core value 'creativity' we have prioritized in-house R&D to catalyze product development as per evolving requirements of the industry, technical enhancements and quality needs."

Center of Research is approved by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Government of India, and has a focus on building long-term technological differentiation and a strong portfolio of intellectual property.

Sterlite was recently granted 3 more patents, adding to the 13 patents it already held in
USA, Europe, India & China.
In addition, the Company has filed over 100 patent applications for innovations in products and processes.

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