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Flickr to map the world's latest photo hotspots

19 ноября 2007

Flickr, Yahoo Inc's online photo-sharing site, plans to introduce a set of mapping features that makes it easier to find photos based on their location.

Flickr to map the world's latest photo hotspotsStarting on Monday, Flickr will unveil a way for Web users to browse photos from tens of millions of geographically located photos loaded up to its site, http://www.flickr.com/.

The service, called "Places," identifies on a global map the latest hot-spots for photo contributions.

"It's a new way to browse what is happening in the world," said Kakul Srivastava, senior director of product management at Flickr.

Flickr Places also allows users to search by more than 100,000 geographic place names to find photos that might interest them. Many of the world's cities as well as states, countries and regions have their own featured pages.

The global map view lets Flickr users see the latest photos by theme. Clicking on a category tag will take them to a selection of photos, giving them a glimpse of what other Flickr users collectively find interesting or newsworthy.

Flickr counts more than 40 million monthly visitors and 2 billion photos stored on the 3-1/2-year-old site. Between 2.5 million and 3 million new photos are uploaded every day, with a growing percentage categorized by users according to location.

The feature is designed to give the site more local appeal to users, as well as attract prospective travellers seeking to get beyond photos of landmarks for places they plan to visit.

Places pages for more than 100,000 locations include some local information such as regional maps, weather and the location's current time. Flickr is adding 3,000 to 5,000 new location pages per week, Srivastava said.

Places will be available in the eight languages that Flickr now offers - English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Korean and traditional Chinese.

Источник: Reuters

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