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Mobile Commerce Adoption In Europe Is Still In Its Infancy

21 июля 2010

Adoption of mobile commerce in Europe remains low, according to new research from Forrester Research based on a survey of more than 14,000 European online adults. The report reveals that buying products from a mobile phone hasn't taken off, as a mere 2 percent of respondents reported purchasing products from their mobile phone and only 5 percent are actually interested in doing so.

Only 16 percent of online buyers have used their mobile phone for a shopping-related activity such as researching products, checking on the status of an order, or locating a nearby store to buy a specific product.

The report also noted that browsing for products and services is the most popular commerce-related activity on a mobile, but only 7 percent of online buyers do so. Italian and Swedish online buyers have warmed up the most to mobile commerce, followed by the UK. Those in France and Germany show the least interest.

Mobile-savvy users are more likely to engage in mobile commerce. For example, 23 percent of online European iPhone users research products on their mobile phone at least monthly.

Despite the low penetration rate, analyst Thomas Husson argues that mobile presents a growing market opportunity. He writes, "Smartphone adoption in Europe is growing fast, which makes traffic to Web sites through mobile devices easier. European consumers are starting to show interest in mobile commerce activities, and many retailers across Europe- like La Redoute, Fnac, eBay, Amazon.com, Tesco, and Carrefour - are starting to improve their mobile Web sites and creating mobile applications for the iPhone."


Источник: Cellular news

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