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WiMAX Operators Working on Draft Roaming Agreements

13 января 2011

Sixteen WiMAX operators from across the globe gathered in Taipei this week to draft roaming agreements on 4G networks. The first WiMAX Forum Global Operator Summit served as an interactive working event for all service providers to gain a concrete understanding of the opportunity for roaming and how to build a framework for execution.

Global roaming continues to be one of the biggest challenges and opportunities for operators in the near and long-term. According to Informa Telecoms & Media, global roaming revenues are expected to grow by 86 percent over the next five years to reach US$67 billion in 2015.

"The WiMAX Forum Global Operator Summit was created to specifically address overcoming both business and consumer perceptions that data roaming is expensive, and to explore ways to help operators grow revenue," said Ron Resnick, president and chairman of the WiMAX Forum. "WiMAX has an established ecosystem with nearly 600 deployments around the world. The opportunity for operators to offer their customers roaming is there, and it is an excellent way for operators to add another viable revenue stream and earn returns on their 4G network investments."

Nearly 70 representatives attended working sessions and collaborated to overcome the industry obstacles


Источник: Cellular news

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