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EU commission will continue to seek ECJ view on ACTA

06 июля 2012

The European Union's trade commissioner vowed to continue to press for an international agreement on intellectual property rights, despite the parliament's rejection of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

"With the rejection of ACTA, the need to protect the backbone of Europe's economy across the globe...our intellectual property...does not disappear," said Commissioner Karel De Gucht in a statement.

The commission, which is the EU's executive arm, had long supported the controversial treaty known as ACTA. More recently, Mr. De Gucht had asked lawmakers in the European Parliament to consider the constitutional opinion of the European Court of Justice before voting, which is unlikely to be released before next year.

Mr. De Gucht said that despite the decisive 478 to 39 vote against ACTA in the parliament, the commission would continue to wait for the ECJ's judgment. The commission asked the court to review the treaty in February.

"The European Commission will take on-board the opinion of the ECJ and the issues raised across the European political spectrum," he said."We will then consult with our international partners on how to move forward on this issue."

ACTA has come under fire from civil-liberties advocates who have criticized the treaty for its potential impact on global privacy rights. Last winter, demonstrators across Europe took to the streets to protest against the treaty.


Источник: Total Telecom

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