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Launching Success Is ILS

10 января 2008

New launch orders received by ILS during 2007 totaled US$1.5B, quite a feat for the firm's first year as an independent company marketing the Proton Breeze M vehicle.

The amount represents contracts for 17 Proton launches, which is the premier heavy-lift launcher from Russia, and International Launch Services (ILS) has the exclusive rights to market this rocket to comsat operators around the world. The Proton is manufactured by Khrunichev Space Center of Moscow.Launching Success Is ILS

New orders total 22 firm missions and include: A fifth-generation Arabsat satellite - 5A or 5B; Ciel 2, contracted through SES AMERICOM for Ciel Satellite Group; CMBStar for EchoStar; Another mission for EchoStar; One Eutelsat "W" mission; Inmarsat 4F3; Nimiq 5 for Telesat; MSV-1 for Mobile Satellite Ventures and option for MSV-2; ProtoStar II; YahSat 1A or 1B; Two launches for two unnamed customers; and a five-launch agreement with SES, which is the largest single contract to date for ILS.

During 2007, ILS had three successful satellite launches: Anik F3 for Telesat on April 9; DIRECTV 10 on July 7; and SIRIUS-4 for SES SIRIUS on Nov. 18. After the failure of the JCSAT-11 launch in early September, due to a damaged wiring harness, Proton had successful flights in October with a Russian mission, in November for ILS, and then four twice more for
Russia. And, ILS is the only commercial launch operator with access to two launch pads. ILS is a joint venture of Space Transport Inc., Khrunichev Space Center of Moscow, and RSC Energia of Moscow — McLean, Virginia.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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