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Thuraya-3 at Sea with Launch Date Set

11 января 2008

The Odyssey Launch Platform and the Sea Launch Commander have departed Sea Launch Home Port for the rescheduled Thuraya-3 mission. Liftoff is now planned for January 15, in a 44-minute launch window that opens at 3:49 am Pacific Standard Time (11:49 GMT).

Following delays in November due to unusually strong currents at the launch site, Sea Launch has increased power and fuel capabilities on the Launch Platform and evaluated the use of existing margins on identified launch parameters—all of which are intended to enhance launch availability.Thuraya-3 at Sea with Launch Date Set


When the vessels arrive at the equatorial launch site, the team will ballast the platform to launch depth and perform a final series of tests on the launch system and the spacecraft. A 72-hour countdown will culminate in the launch of the 5,180 kg (11,420 lb) Thuraya-3 satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit, on its way to a final orbital location of 98.5° E. Sea Launch will provide live coverage of the Thuraya-3 mission via satellite and on its website, beginning at 3:30am PST (11:30 GMT) on January 15.


Boeing designed and built the GEO-Mobile (GEM) spacecraft in
El Segundo, California, for Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company, based in the United Arab Emirates.
Boeing also built, and Sea Launch successfully deployed, Thuraya-1 (October 20, 2000) and Thuraya-2 (June 10, 2003). The satellites are designed to provide a range of mobile voice and data services over large geographic regions—Long Beach, California

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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