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UK Broadband launches retail TD-LTE service

09 октября 2012

UK Broadband put its sizeable spectrum holdings to work on Monday with the launch of a retail fixed wireless service offered via a new consumer-facing brand, Now Broadband.

Running on the telco's TD-LTE network, the service will be available initially to homes and businesses located in Swindon, Reading, and the London district of Southwark.

"Our services offer a truly flexible, hassle-free alternative to fixed-line broadband services," said Nicholas James, CEO of Now Broadband, in a statement.

On offer from Now Broadband are four tariffs, two pitched at residential customers and two for businesses. The cheapest home package starts at £21.50 per month, while businesses can subscribe from £30. The company said its tiered levels of service can cater to needs ranging from email and light Web browsing to bandwidth-hungry applications like TV and gaming.

"In terms of business benefits, this service can either be the primary superfast Internet connection, or provide the secondary or resilient connection to ensure that local businesses and organisations are connected at all times," said James. "Always being connected is now an essential requirement in today's business and increasingly cloud-based world."

Owned by Hong Kong's PCCW, UK Broadband's TD-LTE network went live in February. The company owns 124 MHz of spectrum in the 3.5-GHz and 3.6-GHz bands. UK Broadband also holds spectrum in the 3.9-GHz, 28-GHz, and 40-GHz bands that can be used to provide point-to-point and point-to-multipoint microwave backhaul services.

Until now it has focused on selling wholesale network access to other service providers, striking a deal in April with Swindon council's ICT supplier Capita.

Monday's announcement marks a shift in strategy as UK Broadband starts offering services directly to consumers and businesses, albeit via a different brand, Now Broadband.

"We are really excited to offer residents and businesses in these areas a unique opportunity to enjoy 4G speeds using our wireless networks," said James.

Monday's launch has also seen Now Broadband steal a march on EE, which will begin offering LTE services in 10 cities from the end of this month. However, it is worth remembering that rather than fixed wireless broadband, EE will be providing mobile services.

Источник: Total Telecom

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