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WiMAX Supporters Join Forces to Build 3G-Killer

25 января 2008

Vendors in the WiMAX forum are developing a variation that broadens the spectrum of the wireless technology.

The WiMAX Forum is making a profile for mobile WiMAX that uses "paired" FDD (frequency division duplex) signaling, with separate channels for uplink and downlink. Telcos and regulators such as the ITU prefer FDD, and most of the spectrum for 3G and 4G networks requires it. WiMAX standards and equipment have focused on TDD (time division duplex), in which uplink and downlink signals have separate time slots on a single channel - but which is limited to smaller bands of spectrum.

WiMAX Supporters Join Forces to Build 3G-KillerThe WiMAX forum will have an FDD profile for Mobile WiMAX inside six months.

The ITU endorsed WiMAX for use in the IMT 2000 2.6GHz spectrum in May 2007, but operators have expected to limit its deployment to a smaller part of this spectrum which would be designated for TDD technologies: 50MHz in the middle of the band sandwiched between two paired 70MHz chunks for FDD.

FDD WiMAX could well be pitched head-on against HSPA, EVDO, LTE and other 3G technologies in the 2.5Ghz band

Источник: PCWorld

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