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MSV Is A Legacy + NexGen Believer

28 января 2008

Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) has announced plans to extend its current generation network voice and mobile data services through 2011 on its next generation hybrid satellite-terrestrial communications network slated to be launched in 2010.

MSV Is A Legacy + NexGen BelieverIn parallel with the deployment of MSV's nexgen network and launch of two of the most powerful commercial satellites to be built to date—MSV-1 and MSV-2—the company will facilitate the transition of its current customers to the NexGen services platform. MSV will continue to support current generation communications ground segment (CGS) and mobile data system (MDS) network terminals through the end of 2011.

MSV's plan to support its CGS and MDS networks through 2011 includes building a specially-designed network interface to enable existing satellite communications hubs and customer terminals to operate on the new satnet. During the deployment of MSV's new services, customers will not need new hardware additions or upgrades to continue operating MSV's current CGS and MDS network terminals. In addition, MSV will work with its network of service providers, distributors and customers to explain transition options to the company's new services, which are based on MSV's patented ATC (Ancillary Terrestrial Component) technology. This continuation of MSV's current service portfolio will operate in parallel with its recently announced Custom Capacity Service and other emerging hybrid satellite-terrestrial services, planned for 2010 and beyond. MSV holds the first FCC license to provide hybrid satellite-terrestrial services.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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