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Mobile users turn backs on operator portals; drop mobile TV fast

12 февраля 2008

Mobile operators are struggling to understand how subscribers use content services, according to a new survey. As a result some are losing business for content and TV services, particularly as subscribers move off the operator’s portal.

And off-portal is where a growing numbers of mobile customers are going, judging by the analysis of the browsing and purchasing data of 11 million mobile users across five different, un-named, European mobile operators, gathered by Olista, a software company that sells service adoption management tools.

Currently mobile customers make fully 60% of their music and video downloads off-portal, and that number is set to rise, according to the survey’s findings. “It’s growing and once they leave the portal they never go back. There is only a 3% overlap of usage between the two [off-portal and the operator’s own portal],” noted Oren Glanz, CEO of Olista.

And even when customers stay on an operator’s portal there are problems in how mobile operators address usability issues they encounter, resulting in a fall off in demand for content-based services.

Analysis of the browsing habits of mobile television users within the 11 million customer base surveyed showed they are anything but sticky: Overall 85% of mobile TV users abandoned the service after their first viewing, which Olista estimates is due in large part to difficulties in changing channels encountered by mobile TV users.

And the customers of some mobile operators are still finding it hard to buy content, according to the survey. Of those that sign up to content packages, 70% fail to make any purchases.

Again, the failed uptake of mobile content points to poor service performance rather than price, given that mobile customers were initially willing to sign up for the service, believes Glanz.

Источник: Total Telecom

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