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Will WiMAX Win?

31 марта 2008

As the competition among alternative broadband wireless and wireline technologies heats up, the winning road map to 4G looks rather uncertain these days.

The most vexing question for the mobile WiMAX community: Will WiMAX win over LTE in the 4G wireless market? From CEOs to engineers, many executives and investors would like to know the answer—be they semiconductor manufacturers, equipment providers, wireless carriers, application developers, or media companies.

Altair targets ultra-low power VoWiMAX niche with its first baseband

The WiMAX industry has been enchanted by the open mobile broadband vision of Sprint Xohm and other pioneers, and despite the commercial teething troubles, this remains the key focus of 802.16e marketing and development. Such a model will rely on sophisticated multimedia devices, such as those emerging from Samsung and others, and on mobile internet products like Nokia’s Internet Tablet. The focus on these expensive items has diverted the market’s attention from many of WiMAX’ original targets, including the provision of an alternative mobile internet network for regions or population groups where 3G+ would be non-commercial, unaffordable or unavailable. But the major growth in uptake of Mobile WiMAX, especially in the next few years, will come from markets far closer to the original remit of proprietary broadband wireless technologies, geared to underserved access and a simpler, lower cost alternative to cellular networks and models.

WiMAX World
Asia News Update - Buzz Broadband Lashes Out at WiMAX

Yankee Group held the annual WiMAX World Asia Conference & Expo in Bangkok, Thailand. In a panel discussion, Australian WiMAX pioneer Buzz Broadband’s CEO Garth Freeman had some harsh words for WiMAX, describing the technology as a “miserable failure.” He cited performance issues in non-line of sight deployments as core to WiMAX technology’s failure to deliver on the promise of wireless voice and Internet applications.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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