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Virgin Mobile USA sees telecom consolidation

21 мая 2008

The head of Virgin Mobile USA said on Tuesday he expects more consolidation in the U.S. telecommunications industry, including deals among providers who rent space on larger operator's networks.

Chief Executive Dan Schulman also reiterated that Virgin was in preliminary talks with SK Telecom Co "about a number of different potential opportunities." SK controls Helio, another U.S. mobile operator, which like Virgin rents network space to target young customers.

Schulman told the Reuters Global Technology, Media and Telecoms Summit that along with deals among mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) he also expects other operators of wireline, wireless and cable networks to consolidate.

"I do believe you're going to see continued consolidation in this industry," Dan Schulman said. "That should not be surprising to anybody. Over the long term networks are commodities ... what you need is more and more scale and more and more cost efficiencies."

Virgin Mobile
USA is partly owned by Richard Branson's Virgin VA.UL and Sprint Nextel.

Источник: Reuters

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