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Vodafone says premium services key to navigation revenues

23 мая 2008

Mobile operator looks to VAS on top of basic mobile navigation; Telmap introduces more services aimed at pedestrians.

Vodafone this week said that layering premium services on top of mobile phone-based navigation applications will be vital for operators hoping to cash in on the GPS market.

"Once customers are used to basic navigation then we can explore adding other features," said Nick Langton, product manager at Vodafone

Commenting at a round table event in
London, Langton highlighted the potential to drive new revenue streams from the sat-nav sector.

"We could provide an opportunity where customers can upgrade from a basic navigation service to one that provides the location of every speed camera, for instance.
Also, Vodafone Live! has a lot of content, so we may look to leverage some of that into a navigation platform," he said.

Langton said that since the operator began offering the GPS-enabled BlackBerry Pearl, it has seen an 80% activation rate of subscribers using it to access navigation services.

"A good percentage of them are using [the service] at least three times per month," he said.

Meanwhile, mobile mapping provider Telmap said that as navigation technology increasingly finds its way onto mobile devices, it becomes more about services for pedestrians rather than just drivers.

"We've started integrating public transport data with our solution… Services for pedestrians are becoming increasingly more important and so we're looking into providing more dynamic and relevant information – basically broadening our scope," said Oren Nissim, CEO of Telmap.

Location-based advertising presents another opportunity for operators to derive revenue from navigation services.

"We need to look at various business models and advertising is one of them," said Langton.

Still, he commented that in order to avoid spamming customers, mobile operators need to provide advertisers with relevant information about their subscribers.

"We need to provide information that is contextual and relevant, not just a banner ad," warned Telmap's Nissim.

"I am sure there will be a lot of talk this year about advertising," he added.

Источник: Total Telecom

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