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Legacy systems biggest hindrance to mobile marketers

19 июня 2008

Technological challenges are still the biggest barrier for mobile operators looking to deliver personalised marketing messages and offers to their customers, according to a new survey published on Wednesday.

"Legacy systems in place at the moment pose a real challenge to marketers," said Guy Talmi, senior marketing director at marketing platform developer Pontis, which commissioned the research.

Speaking to Total Telecom, Talmi revealed that 47% of the survey's respondents deemed technological challenges prevent them from accessing and analysing usage patterns.

"Only 9% said it was a lack of resources," he commented.

Talmi said that services are still being siloed, instead of managed centrally, meaning marketers also need help from IT staff to get hold of usage data.

"29% [of respondents] said that organisational structure and processes are the biggest challenges," he said.

Furthermore, Pontis said that 18% of those questioned said it was easy to access a subscriber's usage history, while the remaining 82% said they found it problematic.

At the same time, however, more than a third of 50 marketing managers surveyed said that personalization is the most important aspect of creating a successful promotion.

In order to compete more effectively, Talmi said mobile operators should develop ways of creating targeted promotions or offers for specific segments based on real-time subscriber information.

What's more, he said they need to be launched quickly, and by centrally controlled software rather than as part of a large coordinated effort that sucks up resources.

"Marketing offers need to be fully automated and executable again and again, not run as a complete project," said Talmi.

"Then, if your competitor launches something disruptive into the market you can react much quicker," he commented.

Talmi also said that being able to communicate effectively at the right time will help improve customer loyalty, and he criticized some of the current retention tactics employed by mobile operators.

"The only time operators seem able to make you any kind of special offer is when you phone up and threaten to leave their service, and by then it's usually too little too late," he said.

"Operators need the flexibility to create enough offers and suggestions, and deliver them at the right time, in order to keep you as a customer," he commented.

Источник: Total Telecom

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