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Serving Up Multi-Band Power To WGS Is SWE-DISH

04 июля 2008

SWE-DISH Satellite Systems AB, a DataPath company, has expanded its line of CommuniCase Technology (CCT) terminals to feature Ka-, Ku- and X-band capability.

The new CCT systems will enable mobile warfighters operating beyond the edge of the network to improve bandwidth availability and communications flexibility by using the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system. The WGS system supports U.S. military operations worldwide by supplementing commercial Ku-band capability with X- and Ka-band capability. SWE-DISH developed CCT "intelligent" modular satellite terminals to maximize performance and flexibility in the field by enabling antenna size, frequency bands, and modem changes. A central system controller recognizes the full line of SWE-DISH CCT modules so that all the parts of the system are interoperable. With a changeable modem cassette, the system can auto-configure to any network architecture.

SWE-DISH plans to release the multi-band CCT terminals for the WGS system, along with additional CCT modules and products, during the second half of 2008. These new SWE-DISH ultra-portable terminals complement the range of WGS solutions available from DataPath, SWE-DISH's parent company. DataPath solutions currently include WGS-compatible fly-away terminals, Ka band conversion kits for larger military SATCOM systems, and the MaxView) Network Management System, software selected to provide advanced network control for the U.S. Army's Ka Band Satellite Transmit and Receive Systems (Ka-STARS) program.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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