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Whither Mobile WiMAX Business Models?

22 августа 2008

Thinking Differently from 2G and 3G

WiMAX presents the first opportunity to extend a full-featured Internet experience at broadband speeds to the mobile economy. WiMAX delivers benefits--lower cost per megabyte; standards-based network design; and low-cost, small-scale chip sets--that promise a ubiquitous mobile broadband experience on a myriad of portable electronic devices. Capitalizing on this technology requires a radical rethinking of the existing mobile business model.

Previous wireless generations were focused primarily on ubiquitous voice coverage. 3G was supposed to be the generation in which data services became as widely used as voice. However, expensive spectrum acquisitions, which contributed to the delay of the build out of new networks and services, combined with limited availability of data-centric devices, has kept data revenues below expectations. Only now are operators deriving more than a quarter of their revenues from data services, due to the increased availability and penetration of 3G devices. However, the majority of these sales are still related to messaging services.

Источник: WiMAX Trends

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