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Telecom revenue to grow 7.6% in 2008 to $2 trillion

18 сентября 2008

Revenue generated in Asia-Pacific will surpass U.S. for the first time, according to Gartner.

The worldwide telecommunications market is on track to see its revenue rise 7.6% to $2 trillion in 2008 despite slower growth in the fixed-line market and developed countries, said information-technology researcher and advisor Gartner Inc.

This is highlighted by telecommunications revenue generated in the Asia-Pacific region, which is expected to surpass
North America for the first time this year.

Gartner predicted that the portion of telecom spending on services will shrink as the telecom equipment sector gains a bigger piece of the pie. Telecom services revenue has typically accounted for 80% of the money spent in the telecom market.

The changing of the guard shows "that legacy revenue is no longer sufficient for carriers to justify their investments and that the growing equipment sector is being deployed to support new and converged services," said Gartner research analyst Will Hahn.

The firm sees revenue in the service segment at $1.6 trillion in 2008, making up 81% of total telecom revenue.
That's 7.3% higher than a year earlier. Compound annual growth through 2012 in the service sector is projected to be 4.4%, compared to 8.7% for the equipment segment. The ratio of mobile phones to fixed lines will be higher than 4:1.

Источник: Total Telecom

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