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Push to Talk and Instant Messaging Revenue Will Top $16 Billion in 2009

10 декабря 2008

The worldwide market for presence-based telecommunications services, including instant messaging (IM) and push-to-talk (PTT), is expected to exceed $16 billion in 2009, as an ever increasing number of cellular and wireline carriers provide customized services predicated upon the availability of their end-users.

According to a new market research study from Insight Research, presence-based telecommunication services such as IM and PTT are wildly popular in Asian countries. Carrier revenue from presence-based services is nearly 25 percent greater in Asia than North America.

Insight Research's market analysis study notes that presence-based services are part of a worldwide push by carriers to create new IP-enabled services for consumers and business users. The study notes that consumers of mobile and fixed line telecommunications services are adopting presence-based services along with other IP-enabled services such as location based services, fixed-mobile convergence, file sharing, streaming, and video telephony.

"Presence-based services are all about saving time and effort, so both consumers and businesses see value in these applications," says Robert Rosenberg, president of Insight Research Corp. "Carriers from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the US got together to foster standards for mobile IM interoperability, so these services are no longer being viewed as just teen toys. IM and PTT are also business tools, and we see this market continuing to grow as more businesses recognize the utility of these applications,"
Rosenberg concluded.

Источник: Cellular news

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