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Study: Setup complexities limit mobile app takeup

22 января 2009

Ninety-five percent of consumers say they would be more likely to adopt new mobile applications and services if setup were easier, according to a new study of U.S. and U.K. subscribers commissioned by mobile device management solutions provider Mformation.

Ninety-five percent of consumers say they would be more likely to adopt new mobile applications and services if setup were easier, according to a new study of U.S. and U.K. subscribers commissioned by mobile device management solutions provider Mformation. The study adds that setup complexities are preventing 45 percent of respondents from upgrading to new, more sophisticated mobile devices, with 61 percent comparing phone setup to the challenges of changing a bank account. Eighty-five percent of respondents find it frustrating to go through so many steps when they want to activate a service or application: While 88 percent of consumers surveyed agree that simplified setup would increase the time they spend using mobile services, 61 percent say they've stopped using mobile applications because they can't solve problems with them.

Consumers also vented over their inability to solve some basic mobile data applications--46 percent of respondents said mobile email doesn't always work when they first switch on their phone, followed by mobile web browsing (40 percent), IM (30 percent) and photo messaging (29 percent). Mformation reports that on average, consumers feel it should take no longer than 15 minutes to set up a new mobile phone and feel confident it is working--however, the current average is close to one hour. Although 78 percent of respondents expressed concern over losing their personal data when changing handsets, 96 percent see value in a solution that automatically transfers phone numbers, personal content and related data from one device to the next.

Источник: FierceDeveloper

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