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UK mobile operator's future hangs in the balance

28 января 2009

The onset of the recession might prove too severe for one U.K. mobile operator, according to analyst firm Frost & Sullivan.

"There may be one too many mobile providers in the U.K. market at the moment in my opinion," said Sharifah Amirah, principal analyst, ICT Europe, at Frost & Sullivan.

"Several players are seeing their position in the market very much compromised," she commented during a Webcast on Tuesday, without naming any specific operator.

Focusing on the European telecoms market, Amirah said operators need to tap into other ways of reaching consumers.

"Service providers need a wider, more aggressive reach in order to find more end users. We've seen service providers put their SIMs in laptops, but they also need to tap into more distribution channels including those used by consumer electronics firms," she said.

Amirah said the slowdown will force operators in 2009 to offer a greater level of personalisation to their customers.

"Operators are still using analytical tools for OSS and BSS, rather than personalisation," she said.

"While I appreciate that a lot of services still exist in silos, operators need to use consumer analytics tools to provide a personalised experience, including location-based services with what we call proximity-based marketing," she explained.

Amirah also said the recession will enable telcos to refocus.

"The downturn provides an opportunity for large operators to streamline their businesses, and re-evaluate their strategies," she said.

Amirah suggested that the economic lull could also be an ideal time for industry players to invest in R&D, particularly in the U.K.

"We've not seen true innovation come out of the U.K. into the industry," she said.

"Our industry is capable of much, much more when it comes to innovation," she added.

Источник: Total Telecom

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