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Such a Deal — Irresistible Iridium

25 февраля 2009

They've done it before, and the program was successful — so now, Iridium Satellite LLC announces that it is re-launching its popular “Trade-Up to Iridium” program, which provides pricing incentives for customers trading up from Globalstar to Iridium handsets and service.

Iridium is re-initiating the program due to the much-publicized degradation of Globalstar’s voice service. This follows the success of the initial Trade-Up to Iridium offer, which ran from January to September 2008, and responds to continued demand from service providers and customers.

“Iridium’s goal is to ensure that satellite phone users have access to consistently reliable global satellite communications services,” said Don Thoma, executive vice president, Marketing, Iridium. “Our network is now recognized to be the only satellite communications service that dependably provides a critical communications lifeline everywhere.”

Effective February 20 to September 30, 2009, any Globalstar satellite phone user is eligible to trade in his or her handset for an Iridium satellite phone. The original program, which Iridium offered to government users, first responders, educational institutions and relief organizations, is now open to any end user from any market sector due to wide interest from non-public sector customers.

“Iridium users have satellite phones because they often live, work and play in areas that lack adequate ground communications infrastructure,” said Thoma. “Many are public safety and service organizations that rely on satellite links for mission-critical communications when disasters strike, and many large organizations have integrated Iridium into their business operations and emergency response plans. This is an excellent opportunity to trade-up to Iridium if your satellite phone must serve as a reliable, critical lifeline.”

Through the Trade-Up to Iridium program, participating Iridium service providers based in North America will offer a credit of up to $400 on a new Iridium 9505A satellite phone to customers turning in an existing Globalstar handset. Participating service providers will also offer up to $300 in airtime credits when signing a customer for a qualified Iridium calling plan. Participating service providers outside of
North America will be able to offer similar incentives available through regional Trade-Up to Iridium programs. 

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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