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Vodafone joins 3 with MiFi product launch

11 сентября 2009

Following on from 3 UK's launch of its MiFi product, Vodafone has announced that it too will be offering customers a personal WiFi device that connects to the wider internet using the macro HSPA network as backhaul.

The device will initially be available in Germany, Romania and Spain.Vodafone customers will be able to use the Novatel Wireless MiFi2352, marketed by Vodafone as the Vodafone MiFi 2352, to connect up to five WiFi enabled devices within a 10m radius. Data is then transported over Vodafone's mobile network, offering users the chance to set up a WiFi network without the need for DSL or another fixed connection. "“The Vodafone Mobile Broadband Hotspot offers mobile professionals, students and families a one-touch connectivity solution that turns Wi-Fi enabled devices such as MP3 players and laptops into connected mobile internet devices,” said Huw Medcraft, Mobile Broadband Director, Vodafone. At the moment there are no further pricing or launch plan details from Vodafone. We'll update when we have those.

Источник: Mobile Europe

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