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BT ramps up FTTP plans

12 октября 2009

BT announced it will roll out fibre-to-the-premise (FTTP) to more than double the number of U.K. homes than originally planned.

The increase means that approximately 2.5 million households will have access to broadband speeds of up to 100 Mbps, up from the 1 million that BT's Openreach division initially planned to connect.

BT said its fibre programme is commercially ahead of target, which has allowed it to ramp up FTTP deployments without exceeding its £1.5 billion investment.

"The U.K. is well placed but we need to invest for the future so that customers can access the rich applications that will be popular in a few years time," said Steve Robertson, CEO of Openreach, in a statement.

"Today's announcement will help the U.K. climb the [broadband] speed league tables as well," he commented.

As part of its next-generation network plan, the U.K. incumbent aims to reach 10 million homes with fibre by 2012. Households not covered by FTTP will receive fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) services, which currently provide connection speeds of up to 40 Mbps.

Only greenfield sites were being selected for FTTP under the telco's original plan; however, now BT has begun connecting homes to fibre in areas where copper services are already available.

Openreach announced last week plans for FTTP trials in two brownfield areas, Bradwell Abbey in Milton Keynes, and Highams Park in London.

The telco said up to 20,000 homes and businesses in each area will receive connection speeds of up to 100 Mbps by March 2010.

Openreach first explained to Total Telecom during this year's Broadband World Forum that it was weighing how far it can afford to build out FTTP services.

BT reiterated it is on target to connect 1.5 million homes to fibre services by summer 2010 – a target it raised from half a million households earlier in July.


Источник: Total Telecom

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