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Nokia: The future is not all in the cloud

11 ноября 2009

Nokia highlights continued need for intelligence in mobile devices as the need for greater personalization grows.

There will be a lot more technology and data stored in the so-called network 'cloud' in future, but unlike some the world's leading mobile handset maker remains convinced that devices will not develop into empty vessels carrying very little intelligence.

"We don't think the cloud is the total answer," said Mary McDowell, chief development officer at Nokia. "The cloud will grow, but we think intelligent devices…will play a part."

McDowell said devices are becoming more personalized and increasingly part of an individual’s life. "We think it will not be either/or," she said. "There will be a lot of intelligence in the cloud and in the device."

Purnima Kochikar, vice president of Forum Nokia, added: "We are becoming more individual but also more connected. You have your 'community' on your phone."

McDowell and Kochikar were speaking at Nokia’s annual event, "The way we live next", which provides an overview of how the Finnish company believes mobile services, software and devices will develop in future.

McDowell said the opportunity for Nokia is to provide devices that can function as a bridge between the physical and the digital worlds, making use of location technology and social networking, for example. "We are investing in a ‘mixed reality’," she added, citing augmentative reality concepts such as "point and find" – a location-based service using GPS and camera technology that is already being provided on Nokia N-series phones.

A big driver for Nokia is how to connect the next billion: those people in emerging markets with no Internet connectivity right now are likely to gain their first Internet experience via the mobile phone, said McDowell.

She added that 2 million subscribers are now using Ovi Email, for example. The email service can be set up and used via a mobile device, unlike most email services that first require an account to be set up on a PC.

Nokia has also now launched Life Tools in India and Indonesia. This application enables farmers, for example, to access key information such as crop prices and weather conditions.

Nokia Money, meanwhile, is a financial service open to any operator, bank and even device, added McDowell. "It requires scale to be a success," she said. Its main function is to enable people in emerging markets to pay bills and transfer money, for example


Источник: Total Telecom

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