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Nokia could turn into mobile Internet service provider

01 декабря 2009

Finland's Nokia Corp., the world's largest mobile-phone maker, is working hard to transform itself into a provider of mobile internet services and isn't ruling out to sell its cell phone manufacturing activities in the long run, weekly German magazine WirtschaftsWoche reports ahead of publication Monday.

Citing executive board member Anssi Vanjoki the magazine reports that Nokia intends to radically reposition itself.

"A provider of internet solutions will emerge from the existing maker of mobile handsets. I'm very optimistic that Nokia will emerge stronger from this transformation," Vanjoki is quoted as saying.

He added that Nokia needs to go through this transformation to catch up with competitors such as Apple Inc., Google Inc. or Research in Motion Ltd.

Vanjoki also didn't rule out that Nokia could sell its cell phone manufacturing operations in the long-term.

"One should never say never," he is quoted as saying.

However, for the time being Nokia has a competitive advantage because of its factories and its global logistics network, he added.

Источник: Total Telecom

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