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Verizon: LTE will bring 5-12 Mbps download speeds

09 декабря 2009

Verizon Wireless disclosed that its forthcoming LTE network will provide average data speeds of 5-12 Mbps for downloads and 2-5 Mbps for uploads, according to a website the carrier has set up touting its next-generation wireless service.

The carrier, which reiterates on the site that it plans to deploy LTE in 25 to 30 markets in 2010, also said that latency will be one quarter of what it is in existing 3G technologies. The company has so far not disclosed any details on pricing or possible data caps related to its LTE network.

Verizon also took a slight shot at WiMAX. "Verizon Wireless' deployment of LTE in the beachfront 700 MHz spectrum provides coverage and in-building penetration advantages over existing 3G technologies (and other 4G competitive implementations) deployed at higher frequency bands," the carrier said. Clearwire is rolling out mobile WiMAX service in the 2.5 GHz band.

Earlier this year, Verizon indicated that it plans to deploy LTE on a widespread basis before making it commercially available. The company plans to match its current 3G footprint with LTE by the end of 2013.

Источник: FierceWireless

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