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WiMax Could Fill a Big Niche in the LTE Era

12 января 2010

Although LTE will clearly dominate 4G network deployments over the next five years, WiMax will continue thriving as a strong technology option for certain markets and applications, with worldwide subscribers growing nearly tenfold by the end of 2014, to about 53 million users, according to the latest report from Pyramid Research.

WiMax and LTE: The Case for 4G Coexistence analyzes the current WiMax operations worldwide, evaluating operator business models, network economics and the overall market opportunity relative to UMTS/HSPA and LTE. This 77-page report assesses which technology is suitable for the profitable delivery of mobile broadband services, today and moving forward, in different market environments and for different types of operators. As LTE emerges as the dominant 4G technology, this report helps operators determine whether to invest in WiMax or HSPA, or wait for LTE. Case studies examine UQ Communications (in Japan), Clearwire (the U.S.), Mobily (Saudi Arabia), Digicel (Caribbean), Tata (India), Umniah (Jordan), and Yota (Russia).

Once thought of as disruptive of the mobile communications world, WiMax has begun to carve out a tight niche tied to certain target opportunities, including emerging markets, rural, and underserved areas that lack broadband coverage and businesses, notes Dan Locke, Senior Analyst at Pyramid Research and author of the report. "In contrast, LTE has quickly gained momentum; the world's largest MNOs have already chosen LTE, and some have begun aggressively deploying the technology this year," he says. "Going forward, LTE will be the most commonly deployed OFDMA-based standard, and since WiMax (802.16e) and LTE (release 8) will provide similar real-world performance, ultimately the decisions of the largest WiMax players may determine the fate of WiMax," he adds.


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